Monday, July 1, 2013

Vacations are not for running's vacation time!  Time for some rest and relaxation...and random running.   It's now been 5 days since I've thought about running. Don't worry I'm not sitting around doing nothing. So far I've gone:

• Swimming. Well...actually we were floating in tubes. The water was in the 50s so I did my best to stay dry. I didn't do a very good job.  I'm sure I burned a few calories regulating my body temperature. 

Running path or trip decide

•Hiking. We've found lots of fun paths to hike. A dedicated runner might have taken advantage of the trails...but I know myself well enough to know running would mean scraped knees. Scraped knees mean scars. Scars mean bad tans. You get the picture. 

•Power Walking. AKA walking to the bathroom on the middle of the night in the rain. 

•Tent Olympics. We realized the first night that the screen room on the front of our tent doubled as an indoor swimming pool. So...we purchased a new tent, unloaded all our gear, took down the defective tent, put up the new tent, reloaded all our gear, and prayed it wouldn't rain anymore. 

Maybe I'll get around to some running tomorrow...and maybe I won't. This is vacation. 

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