Friday, October 4, 2013

Embracing the Randomness

September is over.  It was both a good AND bad month for running. The month started with very little time to run, and ended with me breaking records. Times like this is why I'm the RANDOM runner.'s what I did manage to accomplish in September:

  • Ran a total of 44.62 miles.  WOW!
  • Cycled 21.18 miles.  My goal was 26.2...but I guess it would help to actually get on my bike once and a while.  I'll have to work on that in October.
  • Walked 8 miles.  You may notice my walking is going down...but that's a good thing.  As I've been training for a 10k I've been increasing my running distances, so that means less walking.  More running means lots more calories burned...bonus!
  • Learned how to make running headbands...and became obsessed with making them in every color I can find.
  • Ran my first virtual marathon.  I love getting running bling!
  • Biked in beautiful Calloway Gardens...and managed not to strangle my kids in the process.  I'm glad my son has finally mastered using his brakes...but my daughter, not so much.
  • Ran a 10k!  No walking...nope, none!
  • Busted my record 4 days later and ran 7 miles!
  • Discovered I can run, chew and swallow without choking or falling into a ditch.
  • Ran my September race and set a new PR of 10:15.
  • Learned I'm an expert at finishing 4th.
  • Learned my doctor thinks I'm an athlete.  Makes me wonder if he really knows what he's talking about after all.
  • Discovered fall...and am enjoying it for the short week that is lasts here in Georgia.
October is my next virtual race...a full marathon.  Stay tuned for more updates on my progress...and go for a run while you wait.



  1. I want to know more about this "making your own running headbands" business. ;) I just bought a pack of 6 Nike headbands for $15. Making your own sounds way cooler (and cheaper, I'm sure)!

    1. Here you go post about headbands and a link to instructions about how to make them.

  2. Very cool! I will have to try that. :) Happy running!
