Friday, November 22, 2013

It's Only a Mile...Or Is It?

The mile.  Ever runner knows the mile.  Some love it, and some hate it.  

During my "career" as a runner the mile has had different meanings to me.  During my first couple of runs I never thought I'd be able to run a mile.  Heck, I could barely run for a minute.  How was I ever going to run long enough to cover a whole mile?  I even drove a mile in my car to check the distance.   It just seemed crazy.

Then one day, it happened.  I actually ran a mile.  After training for what felt like forever (really only about 2 months) I ran a mile.  I was a miracle. Before I knew it I was up to 2 miles and then 3. 

It's amazing how over time you perspective changes. Recently I was on a long run and told myself, "Only one more mile."  Only it's no big deal. Just around the corner (or two or three). I would never have said "Only one more mile" way back at the beginning. 

Starting today I'm going to look at a mile a little differently. From Thanksgiving through New Year's Day I'm committing to run at least one mile each day. That's 35 straight days of running. At least 35 miles. I usually only run every other this will be a challenge. 

This morning I started my "streak" by running 4 miles around the base of Stone Mountain. I can't think of a more beautiful place to run. It was a cold, cold, cold morning...thank goodness is was sunny!  

Now that I've put it in writing for the world to see I can't give up. It's the start of something new...for 35 days at least. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hello! I'd like to introduce myself.  My name is the Random Runner.  You may have heard of me...I used to write a blog about my running...or sometimes the lack thereof.

Lately you may have noticed that I haven't been blogging...but you may not know I haven't been running much either. Yep...that's why I'm the random runner.