Monday, October 14, 2013

Miracles Really Do Happen!

Saturday wasn't just a good running was a MIRACULOUS day.  I did something I never thought I'd do...I earned my first running medal.  Now this wasn't a finisher's medal...the type everyone who crosses the finish line gets.  Nope...this was a real honest to goodness medal I earned.  Well...kinda.  Here's my story:

In an effort to get in my October race I needed to run this weekend.  Last weekend we were out of town and I have conflicts the next two that meant this was the only weekend available.  The only problem is that there weren't many races to choose from...without driving a couple of hours. I finally found a race that was close to me.  I had trouble finding it, because it wasn't well advertised, but I finally found the Benevolent Charity Fund Stamp Out Poverty 5k.  

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Old Runner's Blessing

No...I'm not really old (even though I'm not young either) and I'm only a "random" runner.  But, I had a little time to think during my run yesterday. This is what happens when I run 8 miles and have 90 minutes with nothing to think about.

That's right...I stepped it up yesterday and ran a full 8 miles. Why?  Because I felt good. Because the weather was wonderfully cool. Because I need to work towards my goal of 10 miles. Because I haven't felt the need to take Advil lately. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Embracing the Randomness

September is over.  It was both a good AND bad month for running. The month started with very little time to run, and ended with me breaking records. Times like this is why I'm the RANDOM runner.'s what I did manage to accomplish in September:

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October Marathon Goals

October is here!!!  I'm looking forward to possibly getting a peak at fall...cooler temperatures and lower humidity.  We don't really have fall here in Georgia, but I'll take any relief from the summer heat I can get.

October is also the month of the Joggermom Marathon. (Read more about it here.)  Now that the event is starting I need to decide what my goals will be.  I could just go out and run...but I do that every month.  I've decided to set a few goals to make the month more challenging.

Race for Education

First...I think I may need to change the name of this blog.  What do you think about the "Random Blogger?" I guess I just couldn't call myself the Random Runner if I ran (or blogged) too regularly.

Moving on...
Saturday I ran in the Race for Education...a local race sponsored by Central Georgia Technical College.    You may remember that my goal for the next 12 months is to run at least one race (a 5k or more) each calendar month.  That took care of my September race.  I know what you're thinking...I waited until the VERY LAST weekend of the month to race.  Between soccer, cub scouts and when races were available this was the best race for me.